About Me
Angga G. Pratama: That's me. I am a citizen of Indonesia. I was born in Cianjur and moved to Bandung in 2002 to get my Bachelor's in Engineering Physics from ITB. During the end of my study, I interned at Angewandte Informatik Fachhochschule Erfurt, Germany, from 2006 to 2007. After bootstrapping my second startup, I moved again to Tangerang—in where I currently live, by the end of 2010.
Activities: I am currently working on my startup, rakITconsulting, an IT consulting company. We have advised various corporations and governmental departments in Indonesia and abroad including Bosch and Siemens Home Appliances, ForestCarbon Asia Inc. and the Directorate General of Taxes of Indonesia. In the past, me and some friends run SOEDOE, a small business in food & beverages that only lasted from 2006 to 2009. It was short-lived but surely fun and taught us a lot of things. We were covered by an entrepreneurship magazines and some online media here, here, here, and here.
Traveling: I love to set foot on new destinations every now and then, and keep looking for every opportunity to do so. Here are some places where I've been in the past couple of years.
Contact: Request a quote, or looking for a quick insights to solve your IT-related problems? Don't hesitate to contact me by email to angga[at][thisdomain].net — *thisdomain is gpratama :-) cheers!